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Count on Zacks Quant Lab Consulting for the expertise to help you develop the right strategies and solutions for your next project—whether it’s market research and investment analysis, strategy development and evaluation, or custom ETF and benchmark creation.

Maximize Your Alpha

Our Expert Consultants Can Show You How

There’s no substitute for experience and, with the Zacks Advisory Board, you have access to decades of it.

Our industry board members have deep experience managing multi-billion dollar equity quant processes at Goldman Sachs, DuPont Pension Fund and at Style Analytics — a UK firm specializing in performance attribution and style marketing. Our academic board members are nationally recognized experts in developing multi-factor equity models and predicting the performance of mutual funds. They’ve learned what works and what doesn’t, giving you unparalleled insight to extract alpha from your own investment processes.

They are supported by Zacks internal quant consulting team, experts in the design, testing and implementation of investing solutions. No matter what strategy you want to put in place, we can make it simple, fast and seamless.

Tell us how to reach you:

Seek More Alpha in Multiple Ways

Improve existing US or international quant equity processes

Add quant elements to bottom-up processes

Perform deep dive performance attribution analysis

Validate and launch a new quant process

Implement a value-added contribution audit of an existing process

Create custom indexes and benchmarks for marketing quant processes

Backtest projects to your specifications

Execute database integration and system projects

More alpha means more clients, and we can help your marketing department bring them in.

Contact Michael Streett


(312) 265-9138