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Create, Backtest, and Implement Your Own Powerful Equity Models

Zacks Quant Lab’s software and databases work together to give institutional investors powerful, versatile solutions for building sophisticated proprietary models.


Check out Zacks Quant Lab’s suite of software applications that help you create, backtest and maintain your own strategy, model or portfolio. We can also help you maintain and archive your historical work as well.


Even the best ideas can fail if the underlying data isn’t accurate. Zacks built its name on delivering clean, consistently stated data that’s updated on a timely basis. Give your strategies a solid data foundation.


Gain the insight to outperform any US equity benchmark using Zacks versatile quant models. Use them as an alpha factor in multi-factor models, as a metric in screening processes and more.


Zacks Quant Lab is one of the most powerful U.S. equity backtest and multi-factor rank analysis systems on the market. It’s also one of the most versatile. Get help implementing your strategies.